Tanach Tours

A Taste of the Tanach

Tour the Shomron - walk in the footsteps of the Patriarchs Abraham and Jacob, hear the words of the prophet Samuel echoing though the hills, visit the site of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) where Hannah pleaded with God, follow the path of the Israelites as they entered into the promised land and pledged their faith to Hashem. This tour can be expanded to include visiting a winery or other business as well as visiting a few communities where you'll be able to meet some of the residents and learn about life in this beautiful area of our country.


Gush Etzion and Hebron- A visit to King David's backyard: Although we will only be a short distance from Jerusalem, our tour today will cover a span of 3800 years as we hear stories about dedication, romance, family loyalty, blind faith, courage, dispair, military defeat, and bittersweet victories. Come see how the history of yesterday is the pillar of motivation for today's citizens of this beautiful and developing area.



Last Updated Monday, October 31 2016 @ 01:30 PM CDT  67,923 Hits   
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