Site Statistics

Site Statistics
Total Hits to the system 20,585,843
Number of active users
Stories (Comments) in the system 36 (150)
Events in the system 2
Number of files in our repository (Downloads) 1(0)
Total Forum Posts 1
Links (Clicks) in the System 2 (1,505)
Items in Media Gallery 55
Polls (Answers) in the system 1 (0)
Posts deleted as spam 72,695
Pages 27

Top Ten Trackback Commented Stories

Story Title Comments
Introduction to Jerusalem 1

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Last Ten Users Logged On

User Logged On
Admin Thursday, March 23 2023 @ 02:35 AM CDT
Judy Friday, June 10 2022 @ 05:33 AM CDT

Top Ten Events

Event Hits
Walking Tour of Old City Jerusalem 810
glFusion installed 753
Number of files in our repository (Downloads)

Forum Top 10 Viewed Topics

Topic Subject Views
Welcome to glFusion 45518

Forum Top 10 Replied Topics

Topic Subject Replies
Welcome to glFusion

Top Ten Links

Links Hits
glFusion - Enhancing glFusion 783
glFusion Manual 722

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Media Item Views

Top Ten Polls

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